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August 31, 2016


AN EXCLUSIVE GUIDE TO-6So you have your wedding photographer (hopefully it’s me) but you also want to see photos from the viewpoint of all your friends because let’s be real – Instagram is where the party’s at – especially at the reception! Creating a wedding hashtag will allow you to see photos from your guest in one spot on Instagram! You’ll be able to go back to this hashtag at any time and see all the photos your guests have taken! #SoTotallyRad

Let’s brainstorm! Here are some ideas!

  1. Be Creative. If you were to choose #bestdayever – you’re going to see almost 2 million pictures – trust me, I just checked.

  2. Make it a play on words. Delaney and TJ went with #happilybarried. They turned “happily married” into #happilybarried to incorporate their last name, Barry!IMG_8183

  3. Incorporate both last names. Rachel’s last name is Berry and her fiancé’s last name is Green – their hashtag is #BerryHappyToBeAGreenRachel-Dex-OBX-106_WEB

  4. Bust a rhyme. Cassie and David made #2ClarksMakingASparkboars_head_wedding-278_WEB

  5. It doesn’t have to end. Lora and Kyle still use #KyleandLoraV for all of their photos together!IMG_8186

I’m a huge lover of hashtags! When I use Instagram, I always hashtag #brettdenfeldphotography so all of my images can be found in one spot should anyone want to search me! When I Instagram photos of my couples I will definitely add their hashtag so their family and friends can see!

What will your hashtag be?